Challenge Records Int. Logo
"If music be the food of love, play on!" - William Shakespeare

THEO PLATH has been Principal Bassoonist with the Frankfurt Radio Symphony since 2019 and is the winner of numerous international competitions. He is a member of the Monet Quintet and Trio Neo, and a guest at renowned festivals such as SPANNUNGEN: in Heimbach and the Lucerne Festival.
His artistic output as a soloist and chamber musician is documented on several CDs. Theo Plath studied with Prof. Dag Jensen at the University of Music and Theatre Munich and has been professor of bassoon at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts since October 2024.

Featured on

Ludwig van Beethoven, Conradin Kreutzer
Beethoven & Kreutzer Septets
Manz | Plath | Klieser | Hölscher | Lee | Ionita | Wagner
Tonia Ko, Jan Dismas Zelenka
Trio Sonatas ZWV 181 | Ghosts
Theo Plath | Armand Djikoloum | Olivier Stankiewicz
Various composers
Lost Times
Theo Plath & Aris Alexander Blettenberg
Various composers
Cantilène Live Recordings Spannungen Festival 2017
Various Artists